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Thank you, Justin Verlander

Thank you, Justin Verlander - verlander, detroit tigers, major league, michigan baseball, justin verlander, detroit, pitching, baseba11, professional baseball, comerica park, michigan, pitcher, justin, b1ue, detroit michigan
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Wallpaper Description:
Update: September 1st, 2017:

Last night, just before the baseball waiver trading deadline, Justin Verlander the Detroit Tigers ace pitcher got traded to the Houston Astros. He is one of the best players that the Tigers have ever had. It's been an incredible 12 years...

This trade is very bittersweet for me. The bitterness is that I believe that Tigers management, through a lot of poor decision making let both Justin and Tiger baseball fans down. Poor decisions on management's part cost the Tigers many ballgames and (arguably) World Series opportunities.

The sweet part is that at least Justin is going to a team in an area that badly needs something to lift their spirits as they are going through the devastation and aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Houston, I honestly hope that Justin Verlander will do something great for the morale of your city and for Texas. I hope you get a World Series win. Justin deserves one, and after all you have been through with Horrendous Harvey, so do you, Texas. Hang in there and please know that Tiger Baseball fans and all of America is rooting for you! :D

CollieSmile :)

PS. Texas, I'm certain that not just America, but people all over the world care very much about your recovery from hurricane Harvey! Hang in there... many, many people are praying and sending whatever help they can.

PPS. Just posted a journal link about this wallpaper. Here it is:

August 29, 2015

It's been a strange, discouraging, and frustrating season for Detroit Tiger Baseball fans. The Tiger have set some of the weirdest records and statistics of any team in baseball this year, and they aren't really statistics to be proud of. For example, a few days ago, a Tiger pitcher threw 3 wild pitches during a ballgame, and each of them scored a run. No other major league baseball team has done that in 40 years... :P :(

After years of finishing high in the standings, the Tigers are now limping along in last place.

On Wednesday evening, August 26, pitcher Justin Verlander gave Tiger fans like me a special and unforgettable game.

He pitched a one hitter ballgame against the Los Angeles Angels. It almost was a no hitter, and would have been his 3rd if that had happened. But in the 9th inning, a player on the Angels team got a hit.

It would have been great if he had gotten the no hitter, but we did win 5 to 0. Tiger wins have been so sporadic and few lately, that I will gladly take it.

For this one exciting game, Justin Verlander pitched the way he used to when he was all but unstoppable. After months of rehab, Justin Verlander has been able to start throwing pitches the way he used to. We've finally got our Ace back.

Thank you, Justin Verlander! No matter what the Tigers do for the rest of this season, we have a wonderful shining star of a baseball game to hold on to. It is a great reminder that we have a baseball team that is loaded with talent--- and we have definitely have something to look forward to next season! :D
CollieSmile Uploaded by CollieSmile on . Thank you, Justin Verlander - Desktop Nexus Sports Download free wallpapers and background images: Thank you, Justin Verlander. Desktop Nexus Sports background ID 2010173. Update: September 1st, 2017:

Last night, just before the baseball waiver trading deadline, Justin Verlander the Detroit Tigers ace pitcher got traded to the Houston Astros. He is one of the best players that the Tigers have ever had. It's been an incredible 12 years...

This trade is very bittersweet for me. The bitterness is that I believe that Tigers management, through a lot of poor decision making let both Justin and Tiger baseball fans down. Poor decisions on management's part cost the Tigers many ballgames and (arguably) World Series opportunities.

The sweet part is that at least Justin is going to a team in an area that badly needs something to lift their spirits as they are going through the devastation and aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Houston, I honestly hope that Justin Verlander will do something great for the morale of your city and for Texas. I hope you get a World Series win. Justin deserves one, and after all you have been through with Horrendous Harvey, so do you, Texas. Hang in there and please know that Tiger Baseball fans and all of America is rooting for you! :D

CollieSmile :)

PS. Texas, I'm certain that not just America, but people all over the world care very much about your recovery from hurricane Harvey! Hang in there... many, many people are praying and sending whatever help they can.

PPS. Just posted a journal link about this wallpaper. Here it is:

August 29, 2015

It's been a strange, discouraging, and frustrating season for Detroit Tiger Baseball fans. The Tiger have set some of the weirdest records and statistics of any team in baseball this year, and they aren't really statistics to be proud of. For example, a few days ago, a Tiger pitcher threw 3 wild pitches during a ballgame, and each of them scored a run. No other major league baseball team has done that in 40 years... :P :(

After years of finishing high in the standings, the Tigers are now limping along in last place.

On Wednesday evening, August 26, pitcher Justin Verlander gave Tiger fans like me a special and unforgettable game.

He pitched a one hitter ballgame against the Los Angeles Angels. It almost was a no hitter, and would have been his 3rd if that had happened. But in the 9th inning, a player on the Angels team got a hit.

It would have been great if he had gotten the no hitter, but we did win 5 to 0. Tiger wins have been so sporadic and few lately, that I will gladly take it.

For this one exciting game, Justin Verlander pitched the way he used to when he was all but unstoppable. After months of rehab, Justin Verlander has been able to start throwing pitches the way he used to. We've finally got our Ace back.

Thank you, Justin Verlander! No matter what the Tigers do for the rest of this season, we have a wonderful shining star of a baseball game to hold on to. It is a great reminder that we have a baseball team that is loaded with talent--- and we have definitely have something to look forward to next season! :D
Rating: 4.1

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Wallpaper Statistics

Total Downloads: 47
Times Favorited: 2
Uploaded By: CollieSmile
Date Uploaded: August 29, 2015
Filename: 15_ThankU_Verlander.jpg
Original Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 896.54KB
Category: Baseball

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